Tuesday, March 07, 2006


Read today about the dream that Solomon had where God asked him what he wanted, and Solomon asked for wisdom. This is awesome - and I could go on about that for a long time, but God pointed something else out to me:
After Solomon asked fo wisdom, God spoke over Solomon's life and told him out it would be, with some conditions as to how he must live in order to live a long life. God was pleased with Solomon's heart's desire - to do what he had been called and anointed to do with his life to the best level that could be done: to govern wisely - and consequently spoke over his life and blessed it abundantly. But having received wisdom, Solomon had to use it, and the passage immediately following on from it tells of an example of Solomon using that God-given wisdom. Solomon honoured what God has spoken over his life. He became a man of influence who not only influenced his own subjects, but the rulers of other kingdoms. How amazing!
Likewise, God has spoken over our lives, into our lives. And yet sometimes we don't get right into it. We don't grab hold of what He has said and live by it. It's our choice whether or not we live in what He has for us - we should make the simple choice and live in line with the Word of God.

This is just a little something of what God has been speaking to me about. He is so good to me!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So often God makes it clear to us how we can be successful in life. When we are actively obedient to his word then we will find God will want to use us to influence others.