Thursday, February 09, 2006


Our reputation is important - in the Bible it talks about the importance of an elder having a good reputation with outsiders (1 Timothy 3v.7).

It is important to us to make Jesus famous. We ought to do so. God has chosen to use us as tools in order to glorify His name throughout the world. That being the case, what others think of us is important.

Although the most important thing about us is what God says about us and what we say about Him, there is a subsequent importance on what others think of us. We are saved not just to be saved, but to glorify God's name, to be part of His plan and purpose for this world, to live out what He has for us. Our reputation, i.e. what others think of us, ought to always include the fact that we love Jesus, and that our lives are centred around Him.

We cannot separate out sections of our lives. Everything must be about Jesus and what He wants for us. Even if it would seem, on the surface, that it has nothing to do with Jesus, every action, word and deed in our lives should stem back to the ultimate aim of reflecting His glory. It cannot be, one section about Jesus, another about me. Rather, all about Jesus, none about me. All for His glory, none for mine.

When I was little, I always wanted to be famous. In some ways perhaps I still do, but not in the same way. I want to be renowned within the sphere of influence in which I am involved, whatever that is, and whenever that is, for being somebody whose life is about glorifying Jesus, for somebody who is able to achieve more than she alone could ever achieve, because of His amazing grace.

For anyone who is interested, this all stemmed from thinking about God's fame. (Habbakuk 3v2). Funny what can come out of meditating on God's word! This was totally unexpected! Should have learnt by now to expect the unexpected!!! God is GOOD!

1 comment:

John Pilcher said...

Brilliant post. (Found you by chance)
My husband and I were just talking about this topic.
When we are consumed by God there is nothing above furthering His Kingdom, His purpose on earth through love and faith accompanied by our actions. He wants to use us. He chooses us!

Keep on going for it!!

Carolyn Pilcher