Sunday, February 19, 2006

Fresh Challenge

This weekend has been good - my mum came down, and I still managed to get quite a lot of work done. But this week the REAL work begins, prayers for wisdom in timekeeping and against procrastinating (staring blankly at a page thinking as opposed to reading) would be very much appreciated in the next two weeks.
I was very challenged by the word Richard brought to us today. What challenged me the most was this question:
Do you believe in your experience or do you believe in the Word of God?
So many times we can let our experiences affect our prayers, our beliefs, our lives. But although we should learn from our experiences, and some experiences are invaluable, we must always remember, that the Word of God is what should really be affecting our prayers, our beliefs, our lives. I believe 100% that as we spend more time in the Word of God, and pray in line with what it says, and make it what we say, pray, believe and live, we will see what it says come to pass in our lives. Praise God for His Word!

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